Sardar Bhagat Singh comes of a well known Sikh family from
the district of Lyallpur. His ancestors were Khalsa Sardars who, under Maharaja
Ranjit Singh, helped in the spread of the Sikh Kingdom against the turbulent
Pathans on the west and the dangerous English on the east. For helping the Sikh
rulers with life and blood, this family was rewarded with considerable land.
Bhagat Singh's grandfather, Sardar.
Arjun Singh was a big landlord. Though more than 80 years old, he is still
strong and used to take keen interest in the proceedings of the Lahore
Conspiracy Case. He is full of nationalist spirit. His brother's son(
son of Surjan Singh: ed) , Sardar Bahadur
Dilbagh Singh and others, through their services to the Government, have grown
rich and are now prosperous and men of rank and title. But Sardar Arjun Singh
chose another path which inevitably leads to poverty and obscurity. The
grandmother Of Sardar Bhagat Singh, Sm. Jaikaur, is a typical old woman of
Hindu family. It is she who has brought up all her sons and grandsons. She is a
very brave lady; still she talks of Sufi Amba Prasad, one of the pioneer
nationalists of India, who used to visit them.
Once the police came to arrest Sufi Sahib, while he
was in the house of Sardar Arjun Singh. But the brave lady saved him by
a clever trick.
Sardar Arjun Singh had three sons,
Sardar Kishen Singh, Sardar Ajit Singh and Sardar Swaran Singh. All the three
brothers are known throughout the Punjab for their sincere love of country.
Their patriotism has stood the severest test of imprisonment, banishment and
It was
Sardar Ajit Singh who is reputed to have drawn Lala Lajpat Rai to the field of
political service for the motherland. Though quite rich, Sardar Ajit Singh forsook
the comforts of a home-life and began to organize the Punjab for political
emancipation. At this time, i.e., about 1904 and 1905, the partition of
Bengal came as Godsend. The violent and continued agitation in Bengal over this
act of Lord Curzon had reverberations in the distant Punjab where Lala Lajpat
Rai, Sardar Ajit Singh and Sufi Amba Prasad—a great friend of Ajit Singh—began
to rouse up the country by eloquent speeches. In this agitation Sardar Kishen
Singh, the eldest of the brothers and father of Sardar Bhagat Singh, and Swaran Singh
the youngest, took a legitimate share. Though Sardar Kishen Singh did not
figure brilliantly on the platform, his services to the cause of the
regeneration of the country were more solid. Both the father and the uncles of
Bhagat Singh, with the willing consent of the grandfather, contributed
generously to the national fund.
The year 1907 saw for the first time in the history of modern India the
application of the arbitrary Regulation III of 1818, which has since then
rendered so much service to the British Government in India. Both Bengal and
Punjab were the scenes of the application of this drastic measure, and Sardar
Ajit Singh and Lala Lajpat Rai were recipients of this honor. After suffering
imprisonment without trial for about a year in the distant and unhealthy Burma,
Sardar Ajit Singh came back to Punjab. It was about the same time that Bhagat
Singh's father and uncle, Sardars Kishen Singh and Swaran Singh, were arrested
and imprisoned for seditious speeches, and were thus the pioneers in the line.
The •uncle, Swaran Singh, who was then hardly 28, soon died in the Jail (1910:ed). And
this was the propitious time when Sardar Bhagat Singh, the second son of the
family, was born, on a Saturday,28th September
, 1907(in October wrongly entered Ed) {because date knownin
then was 13 Asuj Ed), , in the early hours of the morning.
Was it a mere coincidence or the hand of God!
Of his boyhood not much is known except that he loved the field much better
than the class room. He, with his eldest brother, Jagat Singh, joined the
Primary School at Banga, district Lyallpur { Chack No.105 RB}, which was his birth place .
Jagat Singh died at the age of 11 years, a loss which was keenly felt by
the boy Bhagat Singh. After this Sardar Kishen Singh shifted to Nawankot near
Lahore where he had some land. Bhagat Singh had now to be admitted to some High
School. Though it was customary for the Sikhs to join the Khalsa High School,
Sardar Kishen Singh had no liking for the School owing to the loyalist tendencies
of its authorities. So Bhagat Singh joined the D. A. V. School, Lahore
.Although the incident is so simple yet it is significant that though a pious
Sikh, Bhagat Singh's father withdrew his son from a Sikh institution and
preferred an Arya Samajist School. From this School, he passed the Matriculation Examination and joined the National
College which is now in the building of the Bradlaugh Hall. When he was in the 9th
class he went to-attend the Cawnpore Congress.{Actually his father
took him to Balgaum Congress held in 1924, presided
by Mahatma Gandhi :ed} While in the College
he was very intimate with Sukhdeo and Yashpal ( when hardly 12
year old he went to Amritsar following Jallianwala Bagh killings by
General Dyer and brought blood socked soil. : ed)
When not yet fourteen,
Bhagat Singh's enthusiasm for the service of country brought him into touch
with some revolutionary organization in the Punjab. After the failure of the
non-cooperation movement in 1921, many impatient young men sought to resort to
other methods than those advocated by Mahatma Gandhi for the realization of
their ideal. In the Punjab a sect had arose (arisen ?)
known as Babbar Akalis. They advocated the use of violent methods for
the emancipation of the country. Though they resorted to means which may not be
approved by many, the Babbar Akalis
contained among them some truly noble characters. Moreover, the heroic sacrifices
of the Sikhs in the Lahore Conspiracy Cases of 1914 and 1915 had great
influence on the imaginative youths of the period. That they had very great
effect on the emotional nature of Sardar Bhagat Singh is very well proved from
the later writings of his. It should also be remembered that Bhagat's father, Sardar Kishen Singh also, was actively
helping the revolutionary organizations of 1914-15. In the book, "India as
I knew It" by Sir Michael O'Dwyer, there are
definite references to it, so much so that it is definitely stated that Sardar
Kishen Singh advanced thousands of rupees to the revolutionary leaders. It is
for these alleged crimes that Sardar Kishen Singh was interned under the Defense
of India Act. Like father, like son, and it is no wonder that young Bhagat
Singh drifted towards the violent revolutionary path of the Babbar
As usually happens with secret organizations, the police got clue
of the
activities of this party and most of its members were arrested. It was
to avoid police scrutiny, partly to find out a new field of activity
that Bhagat Singh left the Punjab and went to reside at Cawnpore. Here
he came into
touch with Sj. Ganesh Shanker Vidyarthi, and the two
formed a life-long friendship. This was a turning point in his life, as since
then he became part and parcel of a well organized revolutionary party in India.
Henceforth his life was part of a story of the revolutionary movement in India,
and it now behooves us to give some account of this revolutionary organization
to which Bhagat Singh dedicated his heart and soul.
It is not the purport here to trace the history of
the revolutionary movement in India. Up to 1914 there were scattered secret organizations,
mostly in the province of Bengal, but some outside it also. On the outbreak of
the World War, the various organizations saw an opportunity to raise the
standard of rebellion throughout India. With this purpose, such eminent
revolutionaries as Rash Bihari Bose, Jatin Mukherjee, Sachin Sanyal, V. G. Pingley, Sardar Kartar Singh, Thakur Prithwi Singh, Baba Sohan Singh and others joined together and made elaborate
plans in conjunction with some Sikh and Rajput
regiments to bring about an armed revolution in India. But as destiny ordained
it, the whole plan tailed through inner treachery, except a formidable rising
at Singapore which was subdued by means of Japanese warships and Japanese
mariners. As soon as the authorities got scent of the plan of the
revolutionaries, the regiments suspected of complicity in the contemplated
risings were disarmed and disbanded, and armed European pickets were posted
around them. These soldiers were then sent over to the severest fighting zones
in France. The Defense of India Act was at once proclaimed, and more than 7000
persons were arrested in the Punjab, U. P. and Bengal. By 1916 the revolutionary organizations were
scorched, though not actually killed.
By this time another influence had appeared in the field of Indian
politics in the person of Mahatma Gandhi. His idealism and his sacrifice
appealed greatly ,to the minds of the youths, many of
whom began to join in his non-cooperation movement. But the "Bardoli Retreat,” .as it was termed by the revolutionaries,
and the subsequent set-back in the non-cooperation movement again gave impetus
to the revolutionary movement. By 1924 we again see the springing up of secret
revolutionary organizations. In Bengal, as usual, the old revolutionaries began
to organize again, but a heavy blow was dealt to them by the Bengal Ordinance of
1925. In U. P. and the Punjab, the
different parties organized by Sachindra Nath Sanyal, Jogesh
Chandra Chatterjee, Pandit Ram Prasad Bismil
etc., combined and formed one party. At a meeting at Allahabad,
a constitution was adopted and the name of the party became "Hindusthan
Republican Association." It was this organization that Bhagat Singh joined
when he shifted to Cawnpore. His party name then became "Balwant," under which name he used to contribute
articles occasionally to the magazines .Cawnpore was then the headquarters of Jogesh Chandra Chatterjee, or Mr.
Roy as his party-name was, was the Chief Organizer of the party and it was
under Jogesh Chatterjee
that Bhagat Singh began to work.
In 1926 ( August
1925 is the date:ed) occurred the well-known Kakori
train dacoity, in which the members of the H. R. A.
held up a running train at Kakori near Lucknow, and looted the government cash that was being
carried in that train. Vigorous police investigations into this affair led to
ramifications of a wide-spread revolutionary organization, and the subsequent Kakori Conspiracy Case revealed many of their secrets. It
was at this time that Bhagat Singh went back to Lahore.
In the memorable statement
in the Delhi Assembly Bomb Case, Sardar Bhagat Singh had declared, "We
humbly claim to be serious students of history," and in the course of that
statement revealed startling proofs of his wide study and culture. It was
during the years 1925 and 1926 that Bhagat Singh built up an intellectual
reservoir which supplied him material for the rest of his life. He joined the
National College founded and run by Lala Lajpat Rai, and devoted himself
whole heartedly to the study of history, politics and economics. Here he had
with him two other devoted followers, namely Sukhdeva
and Bhagawati Charan, and
the three with one or two others created a study-circle on the model of the
Russian Revolutionaries like Tchaikovsky and Kropotkin.
The Servants of the People Society generously helped them by indenting for the Dwarka Das Library all such books
as were asked for by these ardent revolutionary students. (
list of books studied can be visited in this site ;ed)
We have the
testimony of such eminent men as Professor Chabil Das of the National College and Mr. Raja Ram, the Librarian
of the Dwarka Das Library,
as to the eagerness with which Bhagat Singh devoured books. At the National
College Library also, under the guidance of Sardar Bhagat Singh, a unique
collection grew up. As far as we are aware, we have no where seen such a
collection of suitable literature. Most up-to-date publications on the history
of the Revolutionary period in Italy, Russia and Ireland were procured and many rare books on
the early history of the revolutionary movement in Russia were collected.
Unfortunately, on account of the repeated searches and seizures of books, the
library at the National College has now dwindled into a tiny collection
; but still what now remains is a good testimony to the genius and
perseverance of Sardar Bhagat Singh who was the real guiding spirit in this
an ardent and devoted student of politics, Bhagat Singh was not wholly
submerged in the mere study of books. He often ran out to different places,
attended secret meetings of the revolutionary parties, came into personal
contact with the members of the secret organizations in U. P. and Bengal, and
carefully watched the progress of the revolutionary party in India. During the
trial in the Kakori Conspiracy Case, he several times
came to Lucknow and established secret
communications with the under-trials confined in the District Jail. A
suggestion was thrown out by them that something should be done to rescue them
from Jail, and Bhagat Singh lent himself whole-heartedly to develop a scheme
for this purpose. In this work he twice narrowly escaped being arrested. When
ultimately the plan failed, he shifted to Cawnpore again, where he resided for
It was during his stay at Cawnpore at this time in the beginning of the
year 1926 that Bhagat Singh showed signs of his genius as an organizer. As a result of the Kakori
Conspiracy Case, the Hindustan Republican Association had been disorganized.
All the leaders were in Jail and the few inexperienced hands remaining outside
could not do anything. Bhagat Singh, in conjunction with Bijoy Kumar Sinha of Cawnpore and Sukhdeo of Lahore, began to organize
the remnant of the party in U. P. and the Punjab.
The years 1926, 1927 and 1928 may be regarded as
depicting a wandering and restless spirit of young Bhagat Singh. The hanging of
the four youths in the Kakori Conspiracy Case and the
heavy sentences on many others had set a fire to the heart of the emotional
youth, and his first impulse was to avenge the death of his dear comrades. In the year 1927 he directed his energy
towards this purpose, but the efforts were mostly unsuccessful.
In order to achieve
better results a meeting of the important members of the party was held at
Cawnpore sometime in the year 1927, and it was decided there
that the first work of the party would be to organize and consolidate the
party. With this aim in view Bhagat Singh and Bijoy
Kumar Sinha undertook to tour Punjab, U. P. &
Bihar and establish connections with scattered youths.
But hardly had he commenced work on
this line in right earnest when a strange incident occurred which checked his
activities for the time being. In October, 1926 a bomb was thrown at Lahore on
a dense crowd which had -accumulated on the occasion of Ram-Leela procession. The Punjab police, by an ingenious
argument, convinced themselves that it was the work of the Revolutionary
party. It forthwith began to look for an important revolutionary who was at
Lahore on that date. As Bhagat Singh admirably suited their purpose, they
arrested him and lodged him in the Borstal Jail. For
several days he was locked up in a Solitary cell
without being produced before a magistrate or getting an opportunity to know
why he was arrested. Nevertheless, he got an opportunity to see the inside of
that very jail where his comrades, two years and a half later, valiantly fought
alongside with him in the memorable hunger strike for the betterment of the lot
of the political prisoners.
When the charges
were revealed to him he was greatly surprised. To be hauled up any moment for
revolutionary conspiracy was a thing to the idea of which he had accustomed
himself from boyhood. But to be charged with the heinous offence of killing
innocent men and women on a Mela day like the Dussera, was a thing beyond his dreams. The case
dragged on for a long period and the learned magistrate asked him to furnish a
security for no less than Rs. 60,000 before he could be released on bail. There
was, of course, not much difficulty in procuring the huge security for such a
family as that of Bhagat Singh. After a prolonged litigation, the bond was ultimately
cancelled by order of the High Court. The whole episode is a glaring commentary
on the methods of the police who thus harassed Bhagat Singh with impunity for a
crime with which he had not even the shadow of a connexion.
During the
period when he was enlarged on a security of Rs. 60,000
Bhagat Singh could not naturally take part in revolutionary activities. But
this period he utilized by taking part in public activities in which he
rapidly came to the forefront. Two important things carried out by Bhagat Singh
at this period were the organization of the well-known Nau-Jawan
Bharat Sabha and the public
demonstrations in connexion with the hanging’s of the revolutionaries in the Kakori Conspiracy Case. The first developed into the
foremost national organization of the youths of the Punjab, and considerably
influenced the activities of the Congress. The second resulted in the "Kakori Day" celebrations which took place on the day
when the four young men were hanged a year ago.
While engaged in organizing the
"Kakori Day" celebrations, an idea came
into the mind of Bhagat Singh to deliver public lectures on the lives of the
Indian youths who had laid their lives in the Lahore Conspiracy Cases of 1915 and
1916 He set to work and collected photos from obscure places and got lantern
slides made of them. He had an idea of going on a lecture tour throughout
Northern India in accompaniment with these lantern slides. Though he could not carry out his plan as far
as Northern India was concerned, he organized very successful
lectures at Lahore. On the first day of the lantern lecture at Bradlaugh Hall,
the whole hall was packed to suffocation and the lectures were listened to with
rapt attention. It should be noted, however, that Bhagat Singh was prevented
from delivering the lectures himself on account of the huge security. But he
instructed his lieutenant, Bhagwati Charan, gave him full materials and provided him with
lecture notes. On account of the striking success of these lantern lectures,
they were soon prohibited by the Punjab Government. It may be mentioned here
that this was the same Bhagwati Charan
whose name comes out so prominently in the recent Lahore Conspiracy Case which
started on 26th. January, 1931, and of whom it is stated that he died while
carrying on an experiment in the preparation of bombs on account of a terrible
explosion. He was an absconder in that Lahore Conspiracy Case in which Bhagat
Singh and Dutt figured.
Bhagat Singh's idea
in organizing the Nau Jawan Bharat
Sabha as a distinct from,
and in some cases a rival organization to the Congress should be carefully
studied. His study of the poverty question of the world convinced him that the
emancipation of India laid not merely in political
freedom but in the economic freedom of the masses. Hence the activities of the
N. B. Sabha were planned on purely communistic lines.
In fact, it was meant to be purely a laborers' and peasants' organization to
which the youths of the country were required to render service.
We thus see a great change in the
thought and outlook of Sardar Bhagat Singh. In 1926-27, he was of opinion that terrorism should be one of the
weapons of the revolutionary party. The hangings in the Kakori
Case, in spite of the powerful appeals of the legislators and councilors for a
commutation, made him a convinced terrorist. But his deeper study of the
problems of India, which were to him identical with those of the world, led him
to change his opinion. During his study at the National College, Lahore, he was
gradually converted to socialism, and he began to look up to Russia as the
state which came up nearest to his ideal.
As soon as Bhagat Singh
was unfettered from the shackles
of a huge security, he plunged headlong into revolutionary activities. In a
short time he galvanized the moribund organization which, in-spite of the Cawnpore
resolution, had been in a state of decay.
At this time the party
was scattered into groups in different cities with no definite program or
scheme of work before them. Such groups were in existence at Lahore, Delhi ; Cawnpore, Benares and Allahabad in U. P., and at a few places in Bihar. Sometimes in July, 1928 a preliminary meeting
was held at Cawnpore and it was decided
there that important representative
members were to be called together to form a Central Committee.
According to this decision, Bhagat
Singh and Bijoy Kumar Sinha
began to tour about the country, and in September 1928, an important meeting
was held at Purana Qila,
Delhi. Two or three representatives each from Bihar, U. P., Punjab and Rajputana were called together, and the meeting continued
for two days.
In this meeting Bhagat Singh took his
stand as a socialist worker, and under his forceful arguments the program was
drawn up on socialistic principles. Henceforth murder of police-officials or
approvers, which actions were very dear to many members of the party, was relegated to
the back ground. From now only such actions were contemplated as
would lead to mass awakening and mass action.
(emphasis added :ed)
Bhagat Singh also urged for changing
the name of the party from Hindustan Republican Association to Hindustan
Socialist Republican Association. The proposal was at first stoutly opposed by
representatives from U. P. who declared that the name adopted by such
well-known revolutionary leaders as Ram Prasad Bismil,
Sachin Sanyal and Jogesh Chatterjee has acquired a
good deal of prestige, and it should not be changed. But ultimately Bhagat
Singh's proposal was accepted.
At this meeting it was further
decided that the organization should be broadly divided into two groups, the
active group and the sympathizers. The active group would be engaged in
collecting arms and ammunition, in carrying out plans of terrorism, and would
try to develop group actions into mass actions. This group-would be known as Hindustan
Socialist Republican Army. It would be the work of the sympathizers to collect
money by personal contribution and by public subscription, to arrange for the
shelter of the
members of the active group and to carry on propaganda.
A Central Committee was constituted,
with two members each from U. P., the Punjab and Bihar and one member from Rajputana. Bhagat Singh became an active and important
member of the Committee, and Bijoy Kumar Sinha was in charge of maintaining inter
provincial link. The Head quarters of the party was established at Jhansi in charge of Sj. Kundan Lal who was the representative
of Rajputana in the Central Committee. Chandra Shekhar Azad, an absconder in
half a dozen political cases including the Kakori
Case, and who died so valiantly in an
engagement with the police in the Alfred Park, Allahabad
on 27th February, 1931 was head of the active group, that is, the army. Bhagat
Singh had the unique position of being-one of the leaders in the active
group and also a vigorous propagandist.
It was also decided
in the same meeting that members of the H. S. R. Army should leave home and cut
off connexions with the family, and should divert
their whole energy towards work for the party. As religious sectarianism was
also tabooed, Bhagat Singh had to divest himself of all outward symbols of
Sikhism, i. e., he had to cut his hair
short and to shave.
the head-quarters of the party were shifted from Jhansi
to Agra. Here, two houses were taken on rent, and many young men, after leaving
home and relatives, came
there and lived together. The young men lived in utter poverty, for the party
was always in need of funds. At one time, for three continuous days and nights,
there was absolutely nothing to eat except a cup of tea. In the terrible
winter nights of Agra, they had only two or three blankets to share between 8
or 9 men, with practically no beding.. Though Bhagat Singh was accustomed to live a
luxurious life at home, yet he never for a moment felt unhappy under
these trying circumstances.
With his ever increasing zest for study, Bhagat Singh began to build up
a small library at Agra. With this purpose he roamed about, begging for books
from sympathizers. In a short time a distinctive though small library grew up
here, and the most important section among the books were of course, Economics.
(emphasis added :ed)
Bhagat Singh's study of and discussions on Socialism
went on unabated. In the whole party he was perhaps second to none in the
vastness and depth of study. While studying general literature, he often used
to get by heart striking and beautiful passages, and in the Jail during the
Lahore Conspiracy Case he often enlivened and brightened up his fellow-comrades
by reproducing beautiful passages from memory.
We have now to relate an historical occurrence which
played such a deciding part in the life of Sardar Bhagat Singh. We need not here
dwell on the history of the appointment of the Simon Commission in the teeth of
universal opposition in India, or the subsequent nationwide boycott
of the same. The demonstrations in connexion with the
boycott of Simon Commission aroused much popular enthusiasm.
After visiting many places, the Commission was to
arrive at Lahore on 30th October 1928. A very big procession was organized at
Lahore to boycott the Simon Commission. But the Government
Officials had proclaimed the
application of Sec. 144, and the police were ordered to prevent any
demonstration. There was a clash between the procession-ists and the police, and
many Congress workers, including Lala Lajpat Rai, were beaten by the police.
Sometime afterwards, Lala Lajpat Rai died on 17th November. The people believed
that Lalaji's death was due to the beating he had
received. Mr. Scott, the Senior
Superintendent of Police Lahore, was held responsible for the Police beatings
and Mr. Saunders, an assistant Superintendent of police, was popularly regarded
as connected with the beating of Lalaji. On the
evening of 17th December, 1928 Mr. Saunders was murdered just before the
Police Office, Chanan Singh, a constable, who wanted
to pursue the assailants, was also murdered, after which the culprits escaped
and could not be traced.
Next morning the police discovered .several posters
pasted on walls at different places in the city, with the bold printed heading
in red : "The Hindustan Socialist
Republican Army," below which was written out in thick letters:
"Saunders is dead, Lalaji is avenged," and
some other matter in justification of the action.
Such is the bare outline history of the incident.
From the narrative of Jai Gopal, an approver in the
Lahore Conspiracy Case, we can reconstruct the whole story.
Ever since the day of Lala Lajpat Rai's death, the Punjab group was considering the plan of
avenging the death of Lalaji by killing the Police
Officers "who were responsible for Lalaji's
beating that led ultimately to his death. They had two-fold object in this:
first to give the popular movement a turn towards
violence, and second, to show to the world
that Lalaji's beating was not taken lying by India.
The action was incidentally to advertise the existence of a revolutionary
party in India.
For this purpose it was decided that
Bhagat Singh and Shivaram Rajguru
should attempt on the life. of Mr. Scott, the S. S.
P., with revolvers. Pt, Chandra Shekhar Azad the absconder in the Kakori
Conspiracy Case of 1926, was to direct the whole action and to work as a rear
The whole plot was carefully thought
out and complete arrangements were made for the same. Originally, it was the
intention of these three youths to fight out a pitched battle with the police
and if possible, to lay down their lives fighting. In this idea they were
inspired by the story of Jotindrer Nath
Mukherjee and his associates who, instead of flying
before the police and save their skin boldly faced them and in a pitched
revolver fight, laid down their lives; sometime in 1916.They believed
that in this way they would be able to rouse up the imagination of the youth and
bring them into the ranks of the revolutionaries.
But the plan failed in two respects. Instead
of Mr. Scott they murdered Mr. Saunders. Then, as the police did not follow
them up, their desire for a pitched fight; could not
be fulfilled. Only one Police Officer, namely Mr. Fern, came out of the Police
Office after the shots had been fired that killed Mr. Saunders. But two bullets
whirling by his head proved too strong an argument for returning back. Only Chanan Singh dared to follow them up. He was entreated to
give up the chase; but on his refusing to do so, he was also killed by bullet
The three then went to the D. A. V.
College Boarding House, which was in lose proximity to the Police Office, waiting
for the police to appear. But when nobody came, they returned to their place of
shelter on two bicycles, one of which was taken as a forced loan from a cycle
No sooner had Bhagat Singh and his party left
the D. A. V. College Boarding House, the police appeared on the scene in full
force, surrounded the boarding house, began to search every nook and corner,
and blocked all exits and entrances. Not only that. Strong police force was
posted on all roads leading in and out of Lahore, the railway stations became
full of C. I. D. men, and .all young men leaving Lahore were carefully scrutinized. But the three young men frustrated
all the attempts of the police and safely got away from Lahore.
The stratagem that Bhagat Singh
adopted was as clever as it was bold. He dressed up as a young
Government Official, adopted a big official name, put labels of that name on his
trunks and portmanteaux, and in the company of a beautiful lady, entrained a
first class compartment at the Central Railway Station in the face of those very
C. I D.Officials who were specially deputed
to arrest the assassin of Mr. Saunders. He had a fully dressed orderly in
the person of Rajguru, with the inevitable tiffin carrier in his hand; of course, all were fully armed
for all emergency.
Chandra Sekhar Azad adopted a simple method. He got up a pilgrim party
for Mathura, with old ladies and gentlemen, and in the
capacity of a Brahmin Pandit in an orthodox style,
escorted them,—and himself—out of Lahore !
As Bhagat Singh was
a persona grata with the C. I. D. Police,
their first hypothesis included his name as a probable culprit. So they began
to hunt for him. But since the security bonds were cancelled by the High
Court, the police could not get any clue of Bhagat Singh. In confidential
circulars to Police Officers, instructions were laid down to arrest him
whenever he could be found. Special Police Officers were deputed to trace out
his whereabouts. Police constables who knew him were posted at big junctions,
and a strict watch was kept by the Railway Police.
In spite of such extreme measures,
Bhagat Singh roamed about undaunted. The success of the Saunders murder had
brought prestige to the party, and it created much sensation among the students.
Henceforth, monetary conditions of the party began to improve. On the very
night when the murder was committed, the group of the few young men who lived
in a rented house in Lahore had run so short of money that they could not
arrange for light at night. But in a few days they began to receive
subscriptions which removed their pecuniary want for the time being.
The Calcutta session of the Indian
National Congress was now about to begin, and it was decided that Bhagat Singh
and Bijoy Kumar Sinha
should go there to study situation, and to establish connexion
with the Bengal Revolutionary Party. Since the arrests in U.P. in connexion with the Kakori
Case and the rigorous application of the Bengal Criminal Law Amendment Act in
Bengal, the connexion between U. P. and Bengal had
been broken. The Deoghar Conspiracy Case broke the
last link in the chain.
There was not much difficulty for
Bhagat Singh to get entrance into the inner circle of the revolutionary
organizations in Bengal. He was very much impressed to meet the veteran leaders
of the movement, who had spent the greater portion of their lives in Jail. But
he found that they had no faith in the methods adopted by Bhagat Singh and his
party in U. P. and the Punjab. In one thing only they all agreed, namely the
ultimate necessity of an armed revolution to bring about freedom of the
country. But in other matters, such as the need of a socialistic outlook, the
place of terrorism in the party Programme, the need of secrecy,
etc., they differed widely.
His conversations with some old terrorists opened out to
him the need of manufacturing bombs. With this purpose in view he began to
look out for a trained expert who could teach their party the complete process
in the manufacture of bombs. With some difficulty he secured the services of
an expert. At first he hesitated, saying that as a member of the Revolutionary
Party of Bengal, he was under the discipline of the party leaders who
disapproved of the manufacture or use of bombs. But Bhagat Singh ultimately
convinced him that what might be true for Bengal was not true for U. P. or the
Punjab, and that the manufacture and use of bombs would be restricted to those
provinces, thereby leaving Bengal in peace to work out its program. Besides arranging for the
manufacture of bombs, Bhagat Singh was able to come into personal touch with
the newly recruited members of the Bihar branch of H. S. R. Association. A new
centre was established at Calcutta in charge of a Behari
member. An assylum was also established here to give
shelter to absconders.
On account of the sympathetic
attitude of the dealers, the necessary materials and chemicals for the
manufacture of bombs were easily procured.
It was decided that the preparations should be done at Agra, where a new
house was rented for this purpose. The
bomb expert arrived at the appointed time, and taught the complete process to a
select group. For the next two months, the party remained engaged in the manufacture
of these deadly weapons. Besides Agra, Lahore and Saharanpur were also used as bomb manufacturing centers.
Two of the first batch of bombs that
were manufactured at Agra were taken to Jhansi where they were exploded for the purpose of
experimenting their bursting capacity. The members seemed to have been quite
satisfied with the results.
At this time one of the members of the party fell seriously
ill which ultimately proved to be a virulent type of smallpox. Bhagat Singh and
his comrades nursed him day and night, regardless of the risks involved to
themselves. It was mainly due to the careful nursing of these young men that
his life was saved. But, strange to say, it was the same man who turned out an
approver within a short time of his arrest, and implicated the very same
comrades who had done so much to save his life during his severe illness.
On the eighth of April, 1929, the royal, city of Delhi
witnessed one of the most colorful spectacles that it is ever destined to see,
when two representatives of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association
entered unnoticed the Assembly Chamber and threw two bombs towards the
seats occupied by Government Officials. With deafening noise the bombs
exploded and covered the room with dense smoke. The benches near which the
bombs fell were broken to pieces, and a portion of the floor was also-hollowed out.
But, except for a few minor scratches, no one received any injury.
The scene presented by the Assembly
Chamber immediately after the explosion beggars descriptions. There was a rush
towards the adjoining room where gallant members fled as if pursued by the very
devil. It was reported that even lavatories were not free from these gentlemen
who sought refuge in every nook and corner of the building.
Amidst these
mirthful scenes a few members remained unnerved, foremost amongst whom were Pandit Moti Lal
Nehru, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya and as truth must be spoken, Sir James Crerar. The visitors' gallery also presented a deserted
appearance. But lo! towards this official benches, midway between the central
gate and the ladies' gallery could be seen two young men, undaunted and calm,
as if diving deep into a, vision of the future ! They are the two historic figures, Sardar
Bhagat Singh and Sj. Batukeswar
The occasion for exploding the bombs
on the floor of the Legislative Assembly Hall was also very important. Owing to
a militant type of labour agitation in Bombay, and
the success attending the agitation, the Government thought it advisable to
hurry through the assembly a bill which would have worked as a Check to labour
How Bhagat Singh and Dutt could enter the Council Chamber unobserved by the
police sergeants posted at the gates has remained a mystery to the police.
Their surprise will be the greater when they will learn that they got entrance
not only on that particular date, but that they had been going into Assembly Hall
for the last 3 or 4 days, as was the fact. This was possible for two reasons,
first, because they were smartly dressed in European costume, and as such,
did not arouse suspicion; and second, because they had procured visitors' passes. For three days continually, they went into
the hall, with a fully charged bomb in one pocket and a loaded revolver in
another. They observed and waited for
the most psychological moment, and when the time came, they calmly carried out
their plan as if it was nothing more serious than lighting a match box.
We want to emphasize here the fact,
that there was ample opportunity for both of them to make good their escape, if
they so desired. It was part of a deliberate plan that they calmly surrendered
to the police and thereby consciously and willingly offered themselves, for
that terrible penalty which was inevitable after the commission of an act of
that nature.
Each of them had a fully loaded revolver, and if they so
wished, they could have utilized these to kill many Government Officials who
were running helter skelter in different directions.
But they did nothing of the sort. They took out their revolvers, and before
the eyes of the police sergeants who had hurried to the spot, put them down on
the adjoining chairs. Then they shouted out, both together : "Long Live
the Revolution," "Down with Imperialism," cries which were
uttered for the first time in India by them and which soon became the universal
cry of the youths of India. Simultaneously with these shouts they began to
throw out bundles of a red leaflet with the title, "The Hindusthan Socialist Republican Army" and a spirited
appeal typewritten on the red letter-head. These letter-heads were the same as
were used on the occasion of the Saunders Murder
Case. "It
takes a loud voice to make the deaf hear," began the appeal, and quoting
the instance of the French anarchist, Valliant, they justified their act, and
urged: "Let the representatives of the people return to their constituencies
and prepare the masses for the coming revolution."
Immediately with the throwing out of
these leaflets, two police sergeants and a number of constables arrived on the
spot and took Bhagat Singh and Dutt into custody. But
before they disappeared from the arena, they again shouted, "Long live the
Revolution", and "Down with Imperialism", which reverberated
through the hall and astonished the bewildered spectators.
As the Assembly Bomb Outrage is the most important event not only in the
life of Sardar Bhagat Singh, but also in the history of Revolutionary India, it
needs to be discussed and explained in fuller detail. What we have explained in
the foregoing chapter is a matter of common history. But it is necessary to
relate the things that happened behind the screen so that one may arrive at a
proper historical perspective.
The Central Committee of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association,
while planning the murder of Mr. Scott, thought not only of the punishment they would inflict on the person who was responsible
for the ignominious lathi blows on the great
national leader, but they laid greater stress on the fight that they anticipated.
They built up in their imagination a picture of Bhagat Singh, riddled with
police bullets, captured after a gallant fight. Regarding this picture as an
inevitable consequence, they had planned that Bhagat Singh would make a bold
statement, enunciating the principles of the revolutionary party, reiterating
the revolutionary faith, and with one step in the gallows, would send forth an
appeal to the youths of the country. They believed that such an appeal would
have immense effect in furthering the cause of the revolutionary party.
When these anticipated consequences
did not come about, they began to think of something else. At this time
the Labour Unions of Bombay were engaged in a strenuous struggle with the
mill-owners. Suddenly the Government of India launched a campaign against the
socialist workers and a number of them were arrested at different parts of the
country. Soon it became known that the authorities wanted to prosecute them in
what is known as the Meerut Conspiracy Case.
Hardly had the agitation in connexion with these arrests subsided when the Government
brought in the Trades Dispute Bill. The labourites
perceived that this bill, if passed would have disastrous effects on Trade
Union movement.
The revolutionary party was eager
for such an opportunity. At the headquarter of the H. S. R. A. at Agra there
was discussion every day, and Bhagat Singh urged the party to take such action
by which they could show the solidarity of the H. S. R. A. with the labour and peasant movements. Subsequently, at a meeting of the party held at Delhi, it was
decided that B. K. Dutt and another person should go
and attack the official benches in the Legislative Assembly with bombs.
We reproduce below portions from the
statement of Hansraj Vora,
an approver in the Lahore Conspiracy Case as recorded in the proceedings in the
Magistrate's court on 26th of November 1929. These, will clearly explain the
whole thing.
“Two or three days after the
Assembly Bomb Outrage, Sukhdeva again met witness ( Hansraj, approver) near the
canal. At that time Sukhdeva showed him the
photographs of Bhagat Singh and B. K. Dutt, and
informed him that the party, at its Delhi meeting, had decided that Bhagat
Singh and Dutt were to surrender themselves to the
police so that they might be able to expound thereby the revolutionary creed
and philosophy by means of a statement in the court.
According to Sukhdeva, the object of throwing bombs
in the Assembly, was that they might be able to show their 'protest' against
the unjustifiable provisions of the Trades Dispute Bill and the Public Safety
Bill. But they had no intention of killing anybody. The bombs were deliberately
kept weak, so that even if their explosion did some harm to the Government
benches, no harm might come to the Congress leaders."
As stated above, Bhagat Singh was. not the person chosen to accompany B. K. Dutt
in the Assembly Outrage. But a very great personal friend of Bhagat Singh urged
him to do so, stating that Bhagat Singh would be the fittest person to do it.
The reply that he wrote, giving his consent to the proposal, reveals a softer
side of his character. To outward appearance Bhagat Singh seemed somewhat unemotional, as if devoid of
feelings. But the letter that he wrote to this lifelong companion breathes a
rare feeling of love and emotion. Sure of a permanent parting, Bhagat Singh
poured out the innermost feelings of his heart in that jewel of a letter. As, while writing the letter, he himself
felt submerged in a feeling of love, he saw a vision of the task that lay
before him, and thus he must have felt the conflict of his feeling of love and
his sense of duty. In the letter he dilates upon the theme and quotes instances
from Stepniak's Career of a Nihilist, one of his favourite books. In
the letter he reiterates his conviction that love is incompatible for the life
of a revolutionary. Unfortunately,
this valuable letter was seized by the police at the Mozang
House Bomb Factory at Lahore and is now in their possession. (
This letter to shahid Sukhdev can be read at document
number 1 at this web site under "letters and documents :ed)
By Bhagat Singh's genius, the trial
of the Assembly Bomb Case was fully utilized to further the cause of the party. It was Bhagat Singh and Dutt who for the first
time raised shouts of "Long Live Revolution," "Long Live
Proletariat" in the open court of Delhi for which both of them were kept
handcuffed in the 'court as long as the trial lasted. Moreover, they took up
the bold stand of declaring themselves to be members of the revolutionary
party, and boldly sent out their message by a statement in the court that the
Indians should devote themselves to the organization of labour
and peasant parties so that a real .Swaraj for the
masses might be brought about.
The important statement made in the
Court of Sessions was very cleverly managed. Even before they had made that
historic statement, typed copies of it were broadcast to all the important
newspapers, and without going through the telegraph office, where it must have
been curtailed and mutilated, the full statement was simultaneously published
in all the leading newspapers of India. Nay, it was sent outside India also,
and important extracts were published in some newspapers in Ireland, in La;Humanite of Paris and Pravda
of Russia.
The effect of this statement on the youth and the public was
electrical. The very public leaders who had condemned the outrage before now
began to modify their statements. These were not a few papers and public men
who began to. appreciate the motive of the youths.
Soon the Nau-Jawan Bharat Sabha,.
founded by Bhagat Singh himself, took up the cause of
publicity work for the Assembly Bomb Outrage Case. The statement made by Bhagat Singh, and Dutt was
printed in hundreds of thousands, with the familiar pictures of the two youths,
and distributed all over India. Short biographies with printed copies of their
photos were supplied free to a few leading newspapers that gladly undertook to
circulate them. In short, the Assembly action completely fulfilled the
intentions of the perpetrators and the Central Committee of the Hindusthan Socialist Republican Association; it created
the prestige of the two representatives of the H. S. R. A. ;
the party came into prominence, and the whole affair roused the imagination of
the youth.
In view of the importance of the
statement we have given some important extracts from it in the Appendix. We
have also given there Bhagat Singh's rejoinder to the Modern Review which
criticized the cry of "Long Live Revolution" as nonsensical.
Bhagat Singh's declaration of hunger strike to
ameliorate the lot of political prisoners, coming as it did in quick
succession to the life sentences in the Assembly Bomb Case, added to the
causes. that contributed to his influence on the
public. There were hunger strikes before, by political prisoners, some of
which ended fatally. But, except in the case of the prisoners in the Kakori Conspiracy Case, these hunger strikes were
undertaken to redress particular grievances. It was Bhagat Singh's hunger
strike which first diverted the attention of the public to the need of the amelioration of
the lot of political prisoners as, a class.
Before the sentences had been passed by the Sessions Judge,
both Bhagat Singh and Batukeswar Dutt
had decided upon a hunger strike in order to bring about a change in the so rigours jail life of the political prisoners. He was able to
communicate their decision to the Press which geniously
came forward to help them by carrying on an agitation in favor of the demand.
Perhaps the average reader has no
idea of the hardships that prisoners are subjected to the jail. One fact alone is enough to bring home the
seriousness of the suffering. In the Benares
Conspiracy Case (1916), of the eleven persons convicted, three died in jail
and one turned mad. The writer, who was convicted in that case had an
opportunity to see the special orders (of course it was confidential)
of the Inspector General of Prisons, in respect of their treatment. As far as
he remembers, the wordings were—"To be kept apart day and night from all
other prisoners." The implication
is simple : as a jail is inhabited by prisoners, a
political prisoner has to suffer solitary confinement for the whole of his term
of imprisonment. For a social man, no other sentence is more horrible.
In a Bengali book recently
published, named, "Ten years in the Andamans,"
the writer who was convicted in the famous Barisal Conspiracy Case, has narrated many horrors to which
political prisoners were subjected in the Andamans.
Bhagat Singh was well conversant with these details. For himself he had not the
slightest apprehension. To whatever Indian jail he might be transferred, he
was sure to receive special and considerate treatment. Moreover, by this time
he had learnt of the tidings of the forth coming conspiracy case, and he also
knew from certain identification parades that the prosecution wanted to lay the
Saunder's murder at his door. Hence he had absolutely
no personal advantages to hope for from a successful hunger strike. But he
really felt very greatly for those workers in the same field who were pining
away their days in British Prisons.
For two days after their conviction Dutt and Singh were kept together in the Delhi Jail,
after which the former was transferred to Lahore Central Jail while Bhagat Singh was
sent to the dreary jail at Meanawali. While at Delhi
both were receiving European class treatment.
Before they had quitted the Delhi Jail, they launched into that other
struggle which attracted the attention of the Indian public
for the next four months.
In his demands for the better treatment of political
prisoners, Bhagat Singh purposely kept his pitch low. He put forth what may be
regarded as the minimum demands with an eye to the possibility of their
fulfillment. In entering into the struggle, therefore, his purpose was a
practical one, namely, to achieve something concrete for the unfortunate
political prisoners and not to enter into an idealistic fight for an idealistic
cause. Bhagat Singh demanded that all persons who are convicted of offences
that are actuated by political motives, and not for any personal gain or
object, should be regarded as political prisoners who should be allowed
facilities for study, newspaper, better diet, and association of all political
prisoners with each other. It was only later, after the immortal Jatindra Nath Das had entered into the
arena that the fight began to assume the latter aspect, and the more the hunger
strike with its attendant misery and agony prolonged, the more idealism began
to enter into the fight.
The authorities had no idea of the
stuff that they had to deal with. They thought that the pangs of hunger would
be sufficient to induce Bhagat Singh to discontinue it. But the hunger strike
went on unabated. Full one month after the declaration of hunger strike,
the Punjab Government began to move in this matter. By this time the trial in the Lahore
Conspiracy Case had commenced and the under trials
threw in their weight with Bhagat Singh and Dutt by
declaring a sympathetic hunger strike on 13th July, 1929.
The story of the
hunger strike of the under trials in the Lahore
Conspiracy Case is a subject on which a separate
volume can be, and ought to be written. In a. short time the attention of the
whole country was drawn to the heroic struggle of the Lahore
hunger-strikers. Before the forces of public opinion and the
gallant hunger-strike, even the Punjab Government began to yield gradually. On,
14th of July, on the very day that Sardar Bhagat Singh sent a special
application to the Home Member to the Government of India, the Punjab
Government came out with their first communique,
allowing some facilities in the diet for the undertrials
in the Lahore Conspiracy Case on medical grounds. Of course, this was nothing.
Soon after ,a second Government communique
was published, deleting the ..words 'on medical
grounds' from their first communique, and extending
the facility to Bhagat Singh and Dutt, the. two convicted undertrials.
On 28th July, when Jatin Das's condition became
serious, Bhagat Singh sent a special message through a prominent Congressman
that the under trials in the Borstal
Jail might suspend the hunger strike, leaving the battle to Bhagat Singh and Batukeswar alone. This shows his self-sacrificing
The condition of Jatin Das
had gone still worse. He refused even to take enema.
His whole system had become poisoned, and he could not even open eyes.
The well-wishers of the hunger strikers, prominent Congressmen and
members of the
Lahore Conspiracy Case Defense Committee implored and
entreated, but Das remained adamant to his purpose.'
A message was sent to the Governor of the Punjab that if Das
paid any heed to anybody, that was to Bhagat Singh's words, and Bhagat Singh
might be persuaded to plead with Jatin for allowing enema to be given. The Governor atonce permitted that Bhagat
Singh. might be brought over from the Central Jail to
the Borstal Jail so that he might try to persuade Das. Bhagat Singh's. immense influence was atonce
demonstrated when Jatin yielded
to the. former's
entreaties, and agreed to take enema. The doctor's report was that this enema
prolonged Das's life by at least, a fortnight. The
jail authorities, who had left no stone unturned to achieve this very object,
were astonished. The Deputy Superintendent of the Borstal
Jail, Khan Sahib Khair Din, asked of Jatin in wonder as to why he so easily consented to the
very same proposal of Bhagat Singh, to which he had turned a deaf-ear when it
came from the jail people. Jatin gravely
replied—"Khan Sahib,. you
do not know; Bhagat Singh is a brave man ; I can not dishonor his words."'
On a similar occasion, when the results of the
Punjab Jail Enquiry Committee were within sight, it was Bhagat Singh who was
able to persuade Das to take medicine so that he
might linger on till he had opportunity to examine the results of the Punjab
Jail Enquiry Committee. With disjointed words which were hardly audible, he
said to Sardarji,—"Bhagat Singh, though I feel
and I am convinced that I ought not to swerve from my vow, yet I can not but
accede to your request. Please do not ask anything more from me again !"
When the hunger strikers were about
to suspend their hunger strike, Bhagat Singh insisted that the first condition
would be for the Government to release Das
unconditionally. All the members of the Jail Enquiry Committee unanimously
agreed to this. But the Government did not release Das
and consequently Bhagat Singh, Dutt
and four others again went on hunger strike. But their prolonged misery had no
effect and meanwhile Das died.
As Bhagat Singh and others thought that what had been
promised by the Punjab Jail Enquiry Committee would be sufficient for the first
fight, the hunger strike was unanimously suspended.
The more one examines the
proceedings of the Lahore Conspiracy Case, the more one is impressed by the
subtle policy of Bhagat Singh and his comrades. The Lahore Conspiracy Case cost
the Government very dearly, because by means of this very trial, Bhagat Singh
and others achieved to a very great extent those very things which the
Government dreaded so much.
As soon as the hunger strike was
over and the proper trial was expected to begin, Bhagat Singh formed a small
group of three members, namely, he himself, Sukhdeva
and Bijoy Kumar Sinha,
which began to think as to how best to realize the aims of their party by
utilizing this very trial. They determined that the whole proceedings should be
so conducted as to best serve to propagate their ideas, aims, objects and
First of all, they had to fight for the preliminary rights
of the under trials. Hitherto, the political under trials were treated as if they were no better than
ordinary criminals. By the persistent efforts of 'the under trials,
which were often attended with great hardships, they were able to exact an
honorable treatment from the authorities. Comfortable chairs, newspapers,
tables, lunching tents were gradually provided for, and de facto recognition
was given to the fact that they were nothing less than patriots.
Another fight was raged for the
admission of visitors. The trial took place ( inside
the Lahore Central Jail and such restrictions and impediments were put in the way of
admission of visitors that very few could get admission. This was about to
frustrate the very aim of Bhagat Singh and others, that is, to influence the
public by the proceedings. So after a struggle of a month or so, in which the under trials resorted to all sorts of tactics most of these
hindrances were removed, and numerous visitors, mostly youngmen.
and ladies began to attend the Court regularly. The
influence of the proceedings—which commenced everyday with-the slogans
"Long Live Revolution," "Long Live Proletariat",
"Down, Down with Imperialism/'' and a national song- in chorus—on the
visitors can be readily realized from the fact that there were not less than
half-a-dozen political conspiracy cases in the Punjab in which it. has been definitely proved that the young men
complicated in those cases were actuated and inspired by what they heard in the court of the Lahore Conspiracy
During the proceedings, the
cross-examination of the important witnesses, specially the approvers, was
undertaken by the under trials themselves. The object
of these cross examinations was never to attempt to bring out the discrepancies
and lies in the statements of the approvers ; they
were undertaken solely with the purpose of bringing on the record, and thereby
before the public, the aims and objects of the party, the inner motive of
particular action, the heroic side of their struggle, and the details of the
methods they had adopted. Thus they wanted that the proceedings in their case
should serve the purpose of training ;and inspiring
the youths.
Whenever any opportunity arose for
demonstration, the under trials never let it slip., Thus, there were demonstrations in the open court on the "Kakori
Day", "Lenin Day", "First May", "Lajpat Rai
Day", and on particular occasions such as the death of Shyamaji
Krishna Varma, the death of a political prisoner due
to hunger strike in Hungary, and such others. • On such occasions they
always managed to give out a message. The Prosecution allowed to get' these
messages on record, because they thought. that these
would implicate the under-trials themselves and would furnish good 'proofs'
against them. The under trials, who
cared little about the proofs or evidence, .gladly availed .themselves of these
One memorable event in the course of the trial in the Magistrate's court was
the attempt to handcuff the prisoners in the court. This was the occasion: Jai Gopal, an approver in the case entered the dock with
overbearing attitude. He twisted his moustache and threw out some
taunting remarks towards the accused. While the others cried 'Shame' 'Shame', Prem Dutt,
the youngest of the accused, flung out his slipper on the approver. Atones the
proceedings were adjourned, and a standing order was passed that the accused
should remain handcuffed while in the court. Bhagat, Singh and others at once
determined that, come what may, they would never attend the court unless the
order was rescinded.
The next day, inspite
of the full physical force that the police could employ, they failed to bring
to the court one single accused. Out of the 16 persons, only five could be
brought in the lorry upto the jail gate, but then
nothing could bring them out of the lorry. The next day they consented to come
to the court with handcuffs on the understanding that these would be removed. But when
this was not done they resorted to a stratagem.
When lunch time came they applied that the handcuffs might be removed to
enable them to participate in the lunch. After the lunch was over, the Police
Officers came to put on the handcuffs again.
They flatly refused to be done so. Then began a scuffle, and the court
was converted into a pandemonium. Special Pathan
force was requisitioned, and a merciless beating began.
In this beating Bhagat Singh was
specially singled out. Eight ferocious Pathans fell upon him and booted kicks
and sticks were abundantly showered on him. This, done before the very eyes of
the visitors which included a fair number of ladies, had a tremendous effect,
and the same evening a big meeting was held at Lahore in which the action of the police was vehemently criticized.
The same was the opinion of almost all the nationalist newspapers.
Not content with the beating in the court, the police again
commenced their game in the afternoon when the court rose. They fell on Sardar
Bhagat Singh in the jail yard, and a most cruel thrashing commenced. However,
these terrible sufferings had the desired effect. The police authorities
submitted a report, to which the jail authorities concurred, that it is
possible to beat them and even kill them, but it was not possible to bring them
to court. As a result, the Magistrate had to rescind his order.
The Lahore Conspiracy Case gained unprecedented
publicity throughout India, and even beyond India. Subscription?
began to flow in from distant parts of the world. A
lady from Poland sent a remittance with a request that detailed proceedings might be sent to her regularly.
Donations came from Japan, Canada, and even distant South America. Bhagat Singh—Dutt days were celebrated in different parts of the
country, and their portraits were widely used in calendars.
In the Magistrate's court, many distinguished public
leaders paid visits to the under trials, notable among
them being Sj, Subhas
Chandra Bose, Baba Gurudutt Singh, Mr. K. F. Nariman, the Raja of Kalakankar,
Mr. R. A. Kidwai, Mr. Mohan Lal
Saxena, and lastly, our great revered leader, the
late Pandit Moti Lal Nehru. Moti Lalji went to see them twice ; the
second time he entered the dock of the accused and remained closeted with them
for about an hour.
The writer would have
very much liked to publish the important conversation that ensued between Moti Lalji and Sardar Bhagat
Singh, but expediency demands silence on this matter. He hopes
that time may come when it would be possible to do it.
As the Government began to perceive the tremendous effect
the Lahore Conspiracy Case trial was having on the youth of the country, they
felt nervous and began to think a way out of it. Ultimately they hit upon the
Lahore Conspiracy Case Ordinance. At first the Government of India did not
accept the proposal for its enactment made by the Punjab Government, for fear
of public agitation. But when the fight between the Congress and the Government
began and the latter began to resort to one arbitrary ordinance after another,
the question of popular resentment did not count, and this extraordinary
ordinance was promulgated as Ordinance IV of 1930.
( It may be interesting to
note that it was promulgated on 1st May ,the international labour day ; ed)
Bhagat Singh and others atonce perceived that they had gained a good point by exposing the hollowness of British
justice. They had already succeeded in doing a sufficient amount of propaganda
on behalf of the revolutionary party. By promulgating this extraordinary piece
of legislature at this belated hour, the Government only played into their
hands. So in a meeting of the under-trials, Bhagat Singh proposed that from now they should adopt true revolutionary attitude by refusing to take cognisance of the court. A hot discussion ensued, and two
divergent notes were heard in the meeting. One group adhered to Bhagat Singh's views, another group urged that they should participate in
the proceedings so that when the time came they might make bold statements like
what Bhagat Singh made in the Assembly Case. Bhagat Singh urged that in the
face of such terrible sentences as hanging and transportation for life, if they
showed utter unconcern and refused to be a.
party to what be termed a force, then. the moral
effect of such attitude would be very great on the younger generation. The
others argued that as the revolutionary party had no platform of their own, they
should utilize the Court Proceedings to serve
this purpose.
But the question was settled in a strange way. As in the
lower court, so in the tribunal also, they entered the court shouting their
revolutionary slogans, and the proceedings could not commence until they had
sung a national song. This was very much resented by the three judges of the
tribunal, and after three or four days, they asserted their authority by
ordering the police to handcuff the accused as soon as they had finished their
song. The scene enacted in the lower court was
repeated and the court proceedings had to be terminated that day.
This humiliating treatment enraged the other group
also and they unanimously decided to refuse to go to court. * The police and
jail authorities, with their previous experience, declared that it would not be
possible to bring the accused to court and the proceedings had to be conducted ex-parte. Thus
Bhagat Singh's wishes were completely realised. The
Government, in order to keep up a show of justice, tried to induce the accused
to attend court; they even •went so far as to change the President "whom
the accused declared to be responsible for the beating and insult in the
court; but nothing suceeded.
On the morning of 7th October, 1930, a special messenger came to the jails from the court of the Special
Tribunal. As the accused did not attend the court,
the. court order regarding sentences were sent
through this special messenger. Three of these orders were marked with
black border; these were the warrants of execution of Sukhdeva,
Shivaram Rajguru and Sardar
Bhagat Singh.
The day of the announcement of
judgment was kept a dead secret. Three days ago there had been a last dinner in the jail in which even some of the jail officials were present, and farewell addresses were delivered. Three
more days passed—days of tension and excitement. The prisoners inside the jail learnt that
special armed forces had been posted around the jail, perhaps as a precautionary
measure against emergency. No sooner had the judgments been pronounced than the
news of the death sentence on Bhagat Singh and others spread in the city like
wild fire. Sec. 144 had atonce been proclaimed and
without any notice or effort, a big meeting was held on Municipal grounds
outside the city gate, speeches were delivered, criticizing the ex-parte trial and the heavy sentences. Special editions
of influencial newspapers had been published, in
which photos of all the prisoners in the Lahore Conspiracy Case were printed.
The publication of these photos was a bit startling both to the police and the
jail authorities, as they could not understand how these
photos could be obtained.
Next day, Wednesday, 8th October, the enthusiasm of the
people of Lahore and other big towns in India, specially
young men and women and students, reached a high
pitch. At Lahore the lead was taken by the Lahore Students' Union which
proclaimed a complete hartal and
non-attendance at schools and colleges. Most of the educational institutions
were closed, and a few that were not closed were picketed. Seventeen young ladies, including a venerable
lady of so called Mataji, and a good
number of men-students were arrested in this connexion
; a professor and 80 students in the D. A. V. College, Lahore were assaulted by
a sergeant and a number of constables with
lathis. Several lathi
charges were made on the crowd of students and the general public assembled near the Government College for
picketing purposes.
In the evening a big procession was organized which frequently
shouted ' "Long Live Bhagat Singh", "Long Live Sukhdeva", "Long Live Rajguru".
At Bradlaugh Hall a huge meeting exclusively of students and young men took place, in which resolution congratulating Bhagat Singh and others for their brave sacrifice was passed. In the same
evening and at the same time, another big meeting organized ; by the Congressmen
took place at municipal grounds outside Morigate in
which 12,000 people had collected, which was presided over by Shrimati Parbati Devi, daughter of late Lala Lajpat Rai.
Spontaneous hartals
took place in many district towns of Punjab, and other big towns all over
India. At Amritsar, the enthusiasm was as high as at Lahore. A complete hartal was observed, and even tongas and other vehicles did not ply. Delhi,
Bombay, Cawnpore, Allahabad, Benares,
Calcutta and many other cities showed their respect to Sardar Bhagat Singh and
others in publicly organized meetings.
Soon after the sentences were
pronounced by the Special Tribunal, the Defence
Committee set about to file an appeal in the Privy Council on the ultra vires point for the promulgation of the ordinance. A few words are necessary here
about the Defence Committee.
As soon as it was discovered that the police wanted to
launch a big conspiracy case at Lahore, many nationalist leaders,. Hindu, Mohamedan and Sikh,
began to show their interest in the case and their sympathy for the accused.
Sometime in June 1929 a strong "Defence
Committee" was formed at Lahore, which began to collect money for defence
purposes and' to render help to the suffering families' of the accused. It did
not take much time to collect together a decent fund. It is significant that
the fund was almost exclusively contributed by the poorer class. As the
contribution in most cases was quite small, it is probable that-some twenty to
thirty thousand people must have contributed towards the fund.
The Defence Committee not only , looked towards the legal defence,
which was the smallest part of their duty as there was never any idea of
putting up a legal defence, it also arranged to
supply books to the undertrials who were voracious
readers, to find lodging and boarding for the relatives who came to interview
the prisoners from distant parts of the country, to supply the needs of the under trials, and when possible, to render monetary help to the needy relatives
of the accused.
After the judgment was delivered,
the Defence Committee began to plan for filing an
appeal to the Privy Council. This had been settled by Bhagat Singh and others
from before. As there may have been some misconceptions in the mind of some
regarding this appeal in the Privy Council, it "is necessary that Bhagat
Singh's idea about it should be .frankly stated.
The foremost idea, of course, was that it would serve the
purpose of propaganda in foreign countries. The Viceroy, in a preamble to the
ordinance, stated many facts concerning the conduct of the accused during the
trial which necessitated the promulgation of the ordinance. This
provided an opportunity to controvert those facts. Among the facts were .the
prolonged hunger strike to which the accused resorted, and which prevented the
continuation of the trial. By an appeal to the Privy Council Bhagat Singh wanted
to show to the civilized world what inhumanities the political prisoners in
India were subjected to, and also to hold before the world the selfless sacrifice of brave Jatindra Nath Das.
Another idea was to
draw the attention of the enemies of England to the existence of a socialist
revolutionary party in India. In his instructions to the counsel, Bhagat Singh
emphasized that it should never be tried to show that they were no revolutionaries in India,
nor should any attempt be made to take the help of British-made laws to get a
reduction in the sentences.
The third idea was not less
important than the first two, but from a political point of view, much more
brilliant. It should be stated that in this idea Bhagat Singh was greatly influenced by Bijoy Kumar Sinha who had a keen
political sense. The idea was to postpone the hanging till that time when it
should have maximum effect. At that time, i.e., October, 1930, the whole
country was greatly agitated over the numerous lathi
charges, prosecutions and imprisonments all over the country. The hangings
at that time would not have produced much impression in the country. Bhagat
Singh and others had an apprehension that the Congress might come to a
dishonorable settlement with the Government ; so he
wished that the Government should hang him and his comrades at such a time when
the hangings would strengthen the hands of the extremists and the younger
party, and would reveal the weakness of the Congress.
The hangings on 23rd March, 1931 were so splendidly fitted
with the innermost desires of Sardar Bhagat Singh that
we can not but admire the strategy by which he was able to score over the
Government even in the matter of his death. The subsequent events also fully
justified the keen political judgment of .the young revolutionaries.
From early in the morning on Tuesday,.
the 24th March, there was seen to-be great commotion
among the people in numerous towns all over the length and breadth of
India. The news spread like wild fire
that Sardar Bhagat Singh and his two comrades had been executed. All the
morning newspapers came out with glaring headlines, some with black borders, announcing the
news to the people. It was found out that Sardar Bhagat Singh, Sj. Shivaram Rajguru
and Sj. Sukhdeva were
hanged to death in the Lahore Central Jail at 7-33 p. m., on Monday, the 23rd
March. Loud shouts of "Long Live Revolution" were heard from inside the jail fifteen minutes before and
after the executions.
The manner of death was full of that
bravery and tranquility which were Bhagat Singh's own since his
childhood. While mounting the scaffold with his two comrades who were as
unperturbed as Bhagat Singh himself, Sardarji
addressed the European Deputy Commissioner who was present to witness the
executions, and said with a smile on his face—
"Well Mr. Magistrate, you are fortunate to be able to-day to see how
Indian revolutionaries can embrace death with pleasure for the sake of their
supreme ideal".
As soon as the Privy Council had failed, a powerful and
well-organized movement was started to get the sentences commuted. Though the public may not be aware of it,
Mahatma Gandhi made a sincere attempt to save them from gallows. Young men and women!
took a leading part in organizing demonstrations to
impress upon the Government that the hangings would have very bad effect on the
people of India. Never in the history of British India had
there been such a widespread and genuine demand for the commutation of the sentences.
Even in England the movement was gaining ground. It was stated that even the
Viceroy had felt the influence of ;
the public opinion in this matter. This was exactly as Bhagat Singh desired.
Then the truce, which was regarded
by the young party as nothing but surrender, came in ;
the Congress leaders suddenly suspended the mass movement; the Government
heaved a sigh of relief, and then—calmly carried out the death sentences. Yes,
this was exactly as Bhagat Singh desired.
Was Providence also, siding with Bhagat Singh in his efforts to score the last glorious point over
his adversaries ?
As we have stated, the hangings and the subsequent events
fully justified the expectations of Sardar Bhagat Singh and others. Sardar Bhagat Singh hanged has proved much
more useful for the younger party than Bhagat Singh alive. As
Pt. Jawahar Lal so
beautifully expressed—".........But there will also be pride in him who is no more. And when
England speaks to us and talks of settlement, there will be the corpse of
Bhagat Singh between us, lest we forget, lest we forget
In a last letter to his younger
brother Kultar Singh, whom he dearly loved, he
wrote—" In the light of dawn, who can withstand destiny
? What harm even if the whole world stands against us
? ...Dear friends, the days of my life have? come
to an end. Like a flame of candle in the morning, I disappear before the
light of the dawn. Our faith and our ideas will stir the whole world like a
.spark of lightning. What harm, if this handful of dust is destroyed
Sardar Bhagat Singh was a handsome young man, tall—5 ft.
10 inches, and well-built. He had a musical voice and could sing with emotion.
One day, just after the sentences in the Assembly Bomb Case had been pronounced,
his counsel, Mr. Asaf Alt with his wife, went to
interview him. Bhagat Singh was locked up in a cell, and was in fetters. While
they were approaching the cell, they heard a soft sweet voice singing in
accompaniment of a twinkling metallic sound. Softly they approached, and lo ! They found Bhagat Singh the anarchist singing like a
child and ringing his fetters in tune with
the song.
He had a heart, full of emotion and sympathy. Even in the
characters of a fiction he used to take extra-ordinary interest, and used to
suffer and enjoy -with them. In the Special Magistrate's Court, he began to
read aloud to us the beautiful novel, "Seven that were hanged" by Leonoid Andrieve. There is one
character in it who shuddered at the idea of execution. He used to utter the
words, '•'I shall not be hanged", and began to believe in it. When Sardar
Bhagat Singh was reading out the last scene in the life of this weak condemned
man, who was uttering the words, "I shall not be hanged" even
while being led to -the scaffold, he smiled and was full of tears. We listeners
could not help being affected by the sympathetic tears of one, who had
triumphed over the "idea
of death, for one who was succumbing before it.
Bhagat Singh was an extremely well-read man and his special
sphere of study was socialism. The batch of youngmen
that figured in the Lahore Conspiracy •Case was essentially an intellectual
one. But even in this group Bhagat Singh predominated for his intellectual
ascendancy. Though socialism was his special subject, he had deeply studied
the history of the Russian revolutionary movement from its beginning in the
early 19th century to the October Revolution .of 1917. It is generally believed
that very few in India could be compared to him in the knowledge of this
special subject. The economic experiment in Russia under the Bolshevik regime
also greatly interested him.
He read fiction
also with interest. But .his favorite works of fiction were of a politico-economic nature. He had no interest in
novels of high society life, or those merely confined to love or other human
passions. In the jail he had-begun to read the works of
Charles Dickens which he liked very much. Some of his favorite works of
fiction were : "Boston," "Jungle",
"Oil", "Cry for Justice" ( not fiction ) by Upton Sinclair
;"Eternal City" by Hall Caine, of which.
many portions of the speeches by Romily he had by
heart; Reed's "Ten Day's that shook the world" ; Ropshin's
"What never happened" ; "Mother" by Maxim Gorky ;
"Career of a nihilist" by Stepniak whose
"Birth of Russian Democracy" he regarded as the best of the early
Russian revolutionary history ;, Oscar Wilde's "Vera or the Nihilists”,
and so forth.
Ever since he began to read communistic literature, Bhagat
Singh tried to adapt his life to communistic principles
( emphasis added :ed).
Kropotkin's "Memoirs" had great influence on him; but it was Michail Bakunin who really
transformed his life. As all ideas of God are antagonistic to communistic
principles, he tried to banish from his mind any belief in the existence of
God. Outwardly he always declared. himself to be an
atheist. Whether he was really so from
the bottom of his heart is a question that can be definitely settled
now. Perhaps he was successful in
gaining victory over the idea of God.
When he was arrested in connexion with the Dussehra Bomb Outrage in 1926, and was locked up day
and night in a small cell, and subjected to all sorts of refined torture, his
faith in atheism was put to a severe test. Further
studies for the next three years, only confirmed his ideas about the non-existence
of God. ( Read Bhagat Singh's "Why I am an
atheist?" on this web site in letters and documents :ed)
Except for a short period as a
reaction against the executions in the Kakori
Conspiracy Case, Bhagat Singh was never .a, terrorist. His whole faith
consisted in mass action, action for the masses and by the masses. He believed
that the 'Congress, consisted as it was of landlords, capitalists and rich
lawyers, could never launch that action which would lead to complete economic
freedom for the masses. "Gandhiji is a
kind-hearted philanthropist," he used to say, "and it is not
philanthropy that is needed, but a dynamic scientific social force."
According to him what was needed most was a band of selfless young men who would organize and work for that social
revolution. ( emphasis added :ed)
He further believed that in order to
initiate the young men in the gospel of this mission,
an appeal would have force only when it was delivered from the platform of the gallows, and he himself undertook
to deliver that appeal. His statement in the Assembly Bomb Case was only that appeal, and it went straight to the hearts of thousands of young men, .and women too.
While in the jail and in the condemned
cell, Bhagat Singh passed his time in reading books and writing. He prepared a comprehensive almanac of those
who had ended their lives in the gallows, giving a
short account of all the individuals, with suitable mottos for all. The mottos
were written from memory, and show how well read Bhagat Singh was; they also
testify to his habit of committing to memory all noble and inspiring pieces of
literature. He had by heart the whole of the first number of the first volume
of his "Revolutionary" closely printed four full pages of matter,
written, printed and published by the Hindusthan Republican Association and
distributed throughout India and Burma in February, 1925.
Another big and painstaking book that he commenced and finished
in the jail was a detailed history of the revolutionary movement in India. It
is marvelous how he procured contraband and rare literature even inside the
jail. It was a big book, and if it is published, it will show how deeply
studied he was in this sphere. For this purpose he had learnt Bengali and he
utilized for his book the revolutionary literature in Bengali to the fullest
Even from his condemned cell he was
able to send out an important message to the Youth Leaguers in the Lahore Session
in 1929. He was also able to send out drafts for some of the revolutionary
pamphlets, notably the "philosophy of the Bomb' Only
a short time before his execution, he drafted and sent
out a statement for "Young Political Workers," which may be regarded
as his last will and testament to the nation.
As a socialist, Bhagat Singh had a true international
outlook. That there was no tinge of provincialism in him is a fact that is
common to all revolutionaries. But he had gone beyond that and left
nationalism also behind in his stand as a man ; free
from the shackles of Geography and language. For the Indian revolutionaries,
the appeal of nationalism and patriotism have a supreme charm, and it was no
small matter for Bhagat Singh to have come out of the confines of nationalism
to take his stand as an internationalist.
From the moment of his arrest till
the twilight on the evening of 23rd March, when Bhagat Singh stepped out of his cell to commence his glorious and final journey, there was
not a moment in his life when any gloomy thought ever entered into his mind.
When pressed by his relatives and even Government Officials to submit a
petition for mercy, Bhagat Singh not only refused to do anything of the sort
but in a dignified letter to the Local Government, maintained that he was a
revolutionary soldier fighting for the emancipation of his country, "If
the Government thought that a truce had been effected between itself and the
people of India," he wrote— "then it is legitimate that the soldiers
of freedom should be set free. But if it thought that the state of war
continued, then they may easily kill us." His only request was that
instead of being hanged, they might be shot dead by a squad of soldiers, as
was only befitting Soldiers of war.
As has been truly said in the "People" :—"Bhagat Singh is not only one more martyr, for
thousands to-day he is The Martyr. And
that tribute is deserved, too. But few can embrace martyrdom rejoicingly. Those who can keep-their spirit at top-notch
week after week, month after month for a protracted period of two years, with
vicissitudes of all sorts, are rare even amongst martyrs. Mere youthful
impulsiveness or enthusiasm, or a momentary idealistic conquest could not
carry one through such an ordeal. Bhagat Singh remained as indifferent to
legal appeals and to those for a reprieve as he remained to the trial itself.
It needed a martyr's mettle with a good deal of a tough philosophy of life. Bhagat Singh had both of these in abundance.
"Nothing in
recent memory so captured the popular imagination as did the romance of Bhagat Singh. He has already
become a legend and a short of legendary 'hero. Indian youth justly feels proud
of him. His unique courage, his lofty idealism, his undaunted spirit would
.remain a light-house to guide many a ..straying soul.
"Bhagat Singh's fearlessness
and sacrifice electrified the political atmosphere at a time lethargy had set
in. The cry "Long Live Revolution" was popularized by him. He raised
it in a British court of law, and the echoes are heard to-day every day in
every Indian street. Though Bhagat Singh is dead, when people cry or hear 'Long
Live Revolution,' the other cry, 'Long Live Bhagat Singh' is ever implied
Copy of the written
statement filed by Bhagat Singh and B. K. Dutt in the
Court of the Sessions Judge, Delhi, in the Assembly Bomb Case, on 6th June,
stand charged with serious offences and at this stage we explain our conduct.
The following questions arise.
(1) Were bombs thrown into the Chamber,
if so, why ?
( 2) Is the charge as framed by the
lower court correct or otherwise ?
"To the first
half of the first question our reply is in the affirmative but some of the
so-called eye-witnesses have perjured themselves and since we are not •denying
our liability to the extent and as such as it is our
statement about them-. be judged for what it is worth.
By way of illustration, we may point out that. the
evidence of Sergeant Terry regarding the seizure of pistol from one of us is a
deliberate falsehood, for neither of us had a pistol at the time we gave ourselves
up. •
"The other
witnesses who depose to-having seen bombs thrown by us, have not scrupled to
tell lies, patent on the face of them. It has its own moral for .those who
aim at judicial purity and fairplay.
At the same time we acknowledge the fairness of the Public Prosecutor and the
judicial attitude of the court so far.
our reply to the next half of the first question, we are constrained to go. into some details to offer full and frank explanations of
our motive and circumstances leading upto what has now become a historic event. When we were
told by some of the Police Officers who visited us in the jail that Lord Irwin
in his address to the joint session of the two houses after the event in
question, described it as an attack directed against no individual but against
a •constitution itself, we readily recognized that the true significance of the
incident had been correctly appreciated.
"We are next to none in our
love for humanity and so far from having any malice against any individual, we
hold human life sacred beyond words ; we are neither
perpetrator of dastardly outrages and therefore a disgrace to the country as
the pseudo-socialist Diwan Chaman
Lal is reported to have described us, nor are we
lunatics as the Tribune' of Lahore and some others would have it believed."
Serious Students of History
"We humbly claim to be no more than serious students of history and
conditions of our country, and human aspirations and we despise hypocrisy.
"Our practical
protest was against the institution which since its birth has eminently
displayed not only its worthlessness, but its far-reaching power for mischief.
The more we have pondered, the more deeply we have been convinced that it
exists only to demonstrate to the world the Indian humiliation and helplessness
and it symbolizes the over-riding domination of an irresponsible and autocratic
and again the national demand has been pressed by the representatives of the
people, only to find the waste paper basket as its final destination. Solemn
resolutions passed by the house have been contemptuously trampled under
foot on the floor of the so-called Indian Parliament. Resolutions regarding
the repeal of repressive and arbitrary measures have been treated with sublime
contempt and Government measures and proposals, rejected as unacceptable by the
elected members have been restored by a storke of
the pen. •
"In brief, in spite of earnest endeavor, we have
utterly failed to find any's justification for the
existence of an institution which despite all pomp and splendor organized with
the hard earned money of the sweating millions of India is only a hollow show
and a mischievous make-believe.
"And alike have we failed to comprehend the mentality
of public leaders who help to squander public time and money on so manifestly a
stage-managed exhibition of India's helpless subjection.'
We have been ruminating upon all this, as also upon the
wholesale arrests of the leaders of the Labour
movement when the introduction of the Trade Disputes Bill brought us into the
Assembly to watch its progress and the course of the debate only served to
confirm our conviction that the labouring millions of
India had nothing to expect from an institution that stood as a menacing
monument to the strangling power of the exploiters and the serfdom of the
helpless labourers.
'”Finally an insult which we considered inhuman and
barbarous, was hurled on the devoted heads of the representatives of the entire
country and the starving and struggling millions were deprived of their primary
rights and the sole means of their economic welfare.
"None who has felt like us for
the dumb-driven drudges of laborers could possibly witness this spectacle with equanimity,
none whose heart bleeds for those who have given their life-blood in .silence
to the building up of the economic structure of the exploiters of whom the
Government happen to be the biggest in the country, could repress the cry of
the soul-agonising anguish which is so ruthlessly
wrung out of our hearts. Consequently bearing in our minds the words of late
Mr. S. R. Dass, once the Law Member of Governor
General's Executive Council, which appeared in the famous letter he had addressed to
his son to the effect that the bomb was necessary to awaken England from her
dreams, we dropped bombs on the floor of the Assembly Chamber to register our
protest on behalf of those who had no other means left, to give expression to
their heart-rending agony. Our sole
purpose was ' to make the deaf hear' and to give the
heedless timely warning.
"Others have as keenly felt as we have done and from
under the seeming illness of the sea of the Indian humanity a veritable storm
is about to break out. We have hoisted a 'danger signal' to warn those who are
speeding along without heedings the grave dangers
ahead. We have only marked the end of an era of Utopian non-violence of whose
(June 8, 1929) futility the rising generation has been convinced beyond a
shadow of doubt, Out of our sincerest good-will and
love for humanity we have adopted this. method of
warning to prevent untold sufferings which we like millions of. others clearly foresee.
Utopian Non-Violence
"We have used the expression 'Utopian. non-violence' in the foregoing, para.
which requires some explanation. Force when aggressively applied is 'violence/
and is, therefore, morally unjustifiable. But when it is used in the
furtherance of a legitimate cause it has its moral justification. Elimination of force at all. costs is Utopian and the new
movement which has arisen in the country and of which we have given a warning
is inspired by the deeds which guided Guru-Govind
Singh and Shivaji, Kamal
Pasha, and Riza Khan, Washington and Gari baldi, Lafa
yette and Lenin. As both the alien Government and the
Indian public leaders appeared to have shut their eyes and closed their ears
against the existence and voice of this motive, we have felt it our duty to
sound the warning where it could not go unheard.”
Our intentions
"We have so far dealt with the
motive behind the incident in question and now we must define the extent of our
" It cannot be gainsaid that we bore no
personal grudge or malice against any one of those who received slight injuries
'or against any other person in the Assembly. On the contrary we report
"that we hold human lives sacred beyond words and would sooner lay down our "own lives in the service of humanity
"than injure any one else. Unlike mercenary Soldiers of imperialist
armies, who are disinclined to kill without compunction, we respect, and
in so far as it lies in us, we attempt to save human life. And still we admit
having deliberately thrown bombs into "the Assembly Chamber. Facts, however, speak themselves and intention should be
judged from the result of action without drawing upon hypothetical
circumstances and presumptions..
Despite the evidence of the Government expert, the bombs that were thrown in
the Assembly Chamber resulted in slight damage to an empty bench and few-slight
abrasions in less than half a dozen cases. While the Government's scientist
ascribed this result to a miracle we see nothing but precisely
scientific process in it all. The first two bombs exploded in vacant spaces
within the wooden barriers of desks and benches. Secondly even those who were
within even two feet of the explosion for instance Mr. Rau, Mr. Sankar Rao and Sir George
Schuster were either not hurt or only slightly scratched. Loaded with an effective
charge of Potassium Chlorate and sensitive Picrate the
bombs would have smashed the barriers and laid many low within some yards of the
explosion. Again had they been loaded with some other high explosive, with
charge of destructive pellets or darts, they
would have* / sufficed to wipe out a majority of the members of the
Legislative Assembly. Still again we could have flung them into the official
box chockfull with people of note. And finally we could have embushed Sir John Simon, whose luckless Commission was hated
by all reasonable people and who was sitting in the presidential gallery at
the time. All this,. however,
was beyond our intention and the bombs did not do more than what they were
designed to do and the miracle consisted of no more than a deliberate. aim which landed them in safe places.
We then deliberately offered
ourselves; to bear the penalty for what we had
done and to let the imperialist exploiters-know that by crushing individuals
they cannot kill ideas. By crushing two insignificant units the nation cannot
be crushed. We wanted to emphasize the historical lesson that Letters de Catchet and Bastilles could not crush the revolutionary
movement in France. Gallows -and Siberian mines could not extinguish the
Russian revolution. Can ordinances and safety bills snuff out the flames of
freedom in India ?
Conspiracy cases trumpeted up or discovered and incarceration of all youngmen who cherish the vision of the greater ideal cannot
check the march of revolution. But
timely warning if not unheeded, can help to-prevent loss of life and general
suffering. We took it upon ourselves to provide this warning and our duty is
What is Revolution ?
Bhagat Singh was asked in the lower court as to what he
meant by revolution. In answer to that question, we would say that revolution
does not necessarily involve sanguinary strife nor is there any place in it for
individual vendetta. It is not the cult
of the bomb and the pistol. By" Revolution" we mean that the present
order of things, which is based on manifest injustice must changer-Producers or
labourers in spite of
being the most necessary element of society, are robbed by their exploiters of
the fruits of their labour and deprived of their
elementary right. On the one hand, the peasants who grow corn for all starve
with their families. The weaver who supplied the world markets with textile
fabrics cannot find enough to cover his own and his children’s bodies. Masons
smiths and carpenters, who rear magnificent palaces, live and perish in slums ;.on the other hands capitalists, exploiters,
parasites of society, squander millions on their whims. These terrible
in-.equalities, and forced disparity of chances are heading towards chaos. This
state of affairs cannot last and it
is obvious that, the present order of society is merrymaking on the brink of a
volcano, and the innocent children of exploiters no less than millions of the
exploited are walking on the edge of a dangerous precipice. The whole edifice
of this civilization, if not saved in time, shall crumble. Radical change, is therefore necessary and it is the duty of those
who realize this to reorganize society on a socialistic-basis. Unless this is done and the exploitation of
man by man and of nation by nation which goes masquerading as imperialism, is
brought to an end, the suffering and carnage with which humanity is threatened
today cannot be prevented, and all talk of ending wars, and ushering in an era
of universal peace is undisguised hypocrisy.
By revolution, we mean the ultimate establishment of an order of
society. Which may not be threatened by such break down
and in which the sovereignty of the proletariat should be recognized and as a
result of which the world federation should redeem humanity from the bondage of
capitalism and the misery and peril of wars.
Fair and Loud enough Warning
This is our ideal, with this ideology for our inspiration we have given
a fair and loud enough warning. If however, it goes unheeded and the present system
of Government continues to be an impediment in the way of the natural forces
that are swelling up, a grim struggle must ensue involving the overthrow of all
obstacles and the establishment of dictatorship of the proletariat to pave
the way for the consummation of the ideal of revolution. Revolution is the
inalienable right of mankind. Freedom is the imprescriptible birth-right of all. The labourer is the real sustainer of society.
The sovereignty of the people is the ultimate destiny of the
workers. For these ideals and for this faith we shall welcome any suffering to
which we may be condemned. To the altar of this revolution we have brought our
youth as incense, for no sacrifice is too great for so magnificent a cause. We
are content to await the advent of revolution, Long Live Revolution."
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